Säännöllinen postaus

Koska mikään ei ole bloggaamisessa niin tärkeää, kuin säännöllisyys tässä on teille jokamaanantainen Raisa-pläjäyksenne.

Mulla on kyllä järkky kiire, kun yritän saada xmäärän tilauksia kasaan ennen kuin tytär saapuu koulusta vaatimaan jotain peliä tietokoneelle. Joka pitää siis käydä ostamassa. Onko muuten vähän ihanat pyöräilykelit!! Helmikuussa! ihan huikeeta.

Mulla on ollut niin paljon kaikkee puuhaa viikonloppuna, ja sit olin vielä vähän kipee perjantainakin, joten ruokalistan suunnittelu jäänyt tekemättä. Ihan hyvin syötiin silti. Ja halvalla, sillä en käynyt kaupassa ollenkaan. C kävi kait hakemassa leipää, kun en ole jaksanut leipoa (edelliset epäonnistu ja sekös minua masensi).

Perjantain ruokaa en millään saa mieleeni. Lauantaina kokeiltiin medium hot “Karee raisu”a, ja ei ollut niin hyvää kuin mild. Meidän mielestä siihen ruokaan ei sovi tulisuus. Mutta se onkin vaan meidän mielipide.

Sunnuntaina päivällä keitin vehnänuudeleita, tein pekonia ja lisäsin vielä mukaan herneitä ja se oli siinä. Vähän jäi kyllä kuivaksi. Mutta maukasta oli! illalla sitten linssikeitto (ohje Kasvisseikkailusta) ja leipää. Nam.

Olen viikonlopun enimmäkseen ommellut, leikellyt kankaita ja siivonnut/järkeistänyt Tehdasta. On ollut oikein kivaa. Silti toimeliaisuudestani huolimatta tuntuu, että vähän saan aikaiseksi. Tahtoisin saada enemmän. Mulla on töihin ryhtyminen aina vähän hankalaa, se venyy pitkälti yli puolen päivän, kun nettiasiat (jotka kyllä isolta osin myös ne on Pinkkikseen liittyviä) vie niin paljon aikaa. Ja kun lopulta pääsen yläkertaan, Tehtaalle, niin sielläkin sitten se järkkäily ja kaikki vie ajan ja huomion. Lopulta kun pääsen oikeasti ompelemaan kestää oma aikansa uppoutua siihen ja just silloin kun se tapahtuu niin C alkaakin jo huhuilemaan alakertaan…ja mä en millään malttais lopettaa just siihen kohtaan. Ja sit se hermostuu kun joutuu odottamaan niin kauan.

Sitten on vielä ne uudet projektit, joiden kimpussa työskentelen. Niissä menee tuplasti aikaa, kun yritän selvittää miten se kannattaa tehdä. Multa yksi asiakas tilasi lepakon ja mä olin että voi itku. Miten mä sille lepakon teen? Ja sit mä keksin ne siivet! Ja nyt siitä on tuloillaan yksi hienoimmista tekeleistäni ikinä! Mutta kyllä siihen onkin aikaa mennyt! Siivet on kevyesti pehmustettu mun vanhan talvitakin (sen minkä vetoketjun rikkoutumisesta kerroinkin!) hihojen pehmusteella (ei se oikeasti kai pehmustetta ole mitä takeissa on, täytettäkö?)

No, joka tapauksessa on ollut mukavaa ja piristävää tehdä uusia juttuja! Ja uudenlaista itseluottamustakin niiden onnistumisesta saanut. Mä osaan sittenkin jotain! Niin, ja sitten kun noiden haastavempien projektien ja ennen kaikkea materiaalien jälkeen palaa johonkin peruspuuvillapussukkaan niin silloin sitä vasta jotain osaakin! Niiden tekeminen on niin ihanan helppoa kaikkien pitkin turkisten ja venyvien fleecien jälkeen! Eilen illalla just aloin ompelemaan muutamaa peruspussukkaa, ja ne valmistuukin niin nopeasti! kun vaikka vertaa tohon Totoroon, jota olen kasannut tunteja…

Tänään on vielä mahdollisuus hyödyntää Pinkkiksen juhlakoodia, jos jotakuta kiinnostaa! PINKKIS300 syötetään sopivaan kentään ja sillä saa iloiset 30%tilauksen loppusummasta hus pois! Melko mahtavaa!! Onnistuu tuolta Etsyn kautta.

Nyt täytyy kyllä rientää! Puputkin riehuvat siihen malliin, että parasta mennä katsomaan!

Loppuun vielä ihanan värikäs kuva, jonka tyttäreni eilen otti.


One month bla bla bla, day 6 and 7?

Sorry, I can’t keep track. I don’t really think anyone cares which day I’m on, so why bother?

I took a day off from the computer, which is why I didn’t post yesterday. And also I was one day behind on my too-tight schedule, so there wasn’t really that much to show.

I spent two days working on my sewing corner. Not because it was too much work, but mainly because it was so boring and you really couldn’t see the progress. Especially in pictures it’s quite hard to see if one has dusted or not. So on the first day I dusted everything and on the second day (and that would be yesterday) I organized and cleaned the desk.

Mostly I’ve been sewing. I have to say I love cotton — you know, the non-stretchy one. I absolutely love working with it. After all the stretchy and fluffy and furry materials, basic cotton is a dream to sew. I’m getting better and better with my sherpas and faux furs as well, but nothing is as easy and comfortable to sew as cotton is. Sorry! That was my little love letter to cotton. 🙂

But yes, I have been sewing a lot. I have a lot of custom orders I’m (still) working on. While trying to figure those out (like how to make a bat-shaped carrier?!?) I have learned something very strange about me: I enjoy the mental challenge. I hate it when things go wrong, but this has been fun and it’s given me strange, reality-based trust of my skills. (That might sound strange, but trust me, it feels even more so! lol!) I think I’d be great at designing things and creating the prototypes. I like to solve problems, I think.

I’ve also tried (and re-tried, and re-re-tried) finishing my t-shirts for the secret project I’ve mentioned earlier on. I’m afraid I’ll never get it finished, and one reason for that is that I’m afraid it’ll fail. (I’ve done some serious soul searching over the weekend 😉 .) I just don’t like stretchy materials. Or my sewing machine doesn’t like them. But I’m not going to give up. Not yet!

Back to the project! My goal, among packaging and shipping tons of orders, (the code is still valid for today! PINKKIS300 will take 30% off of your order! Expires today!) is to organize this closet. It’s a small space, so there shouldn’t be that much to deal with. But all those papers! What am I going to do with all those papers!?! This closet also contains most of my stamps. But my inks and rest of my stamps are somewhere else and I want to keep them all together. So I have to do something to fix that.

Last night hubby and I started watching awful, awful movie called 12 Years a Slave. So far it’s been just so depressing and sad. Somehow it has made me think about the animal slavery, too. The way we are used to live, all the well being, it’s all based on slaving somebody. We couldn’t have “it all” if the prices were fair for the other part as well. Animals are paying with their freedom and with their life, and it’s just so unfair. People making our clothes, toys and growing our food pay with their health and sometimes with their freedom and life, too. But how can we settle for less? Less toys? Less clothes? Less electronics? Less exotic food items? Just look at my craft space! I have it all, and I just keep wanting more and more!

Not the ending I wanted for this post. Enjoy the colorful picture my daughter took yesterday.


Nyt juhlitaan!!

Pinkkis on saavuttanut erään kauan himoitsemani rajapyykin – 300 tilausta! Jee!! Joten nyt juhlitaan, ja juhlat jatkuu aina maanantaihin saakka!

Koodilla PINKKIS300 saat Pinkkikseltä tekemästäsi tilauksesta 30% alennusta! Melkoisen anteliasta! Nyt olis hyvä aika hankkia vaikka joululahjat!

Kannattaa hyödyntää tämä hieno tilaisuus! Tarjous voimassa 24.2 asti. Muista syöttää koodi tilausta tehdessäsi oikeaan kohtaan (se on aika pieni palkki ja voi mennä ohi jos ei ole tarkkana 🙂 )!

Still working on my One Month Project :), Day 5 (spell checked, safe for Finnish Rock Stars and alike to read)

Huge Celebration! Pinkkis has 300 sales on Etsy!! What do you think of that? I think it’s amazing!

I’ve had that store up for years. I think I started in 2008, but I’m not sure. The sales were so slow and it was quite frustrating, so I focused on Finnish markets only. I emptied the whole Etsy store for years. Until the online store in Finland had some major changes. Then me and my hubby decided to try Etsy again. And I’m glad we did. 😀

However, I don’t want to celebrate alone! I want you guys to have some fun too!! I’m feeling really generous so I’m giving you a coupon code for 30% off of your next order! That’s an awesome sale, I think!! This offer is valid until Monday 24th of February. The code is PINKKIS300. It’s never too early for Christmas shopping. 😉

Enough of that!

My organizing project is going great! Last night I calculated that I should be done in two weeks… hmm… what should I do with the rest of the time? Or maybe I shouldn’t be this effective. Maybe I should take baby steps?

Yesterday my main project was the small blue shelf. It took quite a lot of time to get it right, but I’m pretty happy the way it is now. 🙂

I also gave one of my tiny display sortcases (god! what are they called? the wooden thing on the wall with lots of small items in it?) to C and replaced it with bigger one that was hidden behind a door. I’m so happy to have San (Princess Mononoke) where I can see her. She was a bit too tall to fit on my other display cases, so she had to be on the one that was placed behind the door. Not that it’s a lot better place. (I’m sorry I’m talking about it since you can’t see it from the picture.)

And behind the door I placed two Pippi Longstocking collector plates. I’ll take pictures when the whole thing is done.

Last night I got bitten by a sewing bug and I didn’t feel like stopping at all. But sometimes Mr. C is quite persistent… so I had to come downstairs to help him cook. And then we watched the last episode of Sherlock Holmes and also the Wikileak movie. For dinner we had popcorn and smoothies… (kids are with their father). But as soon as I’m done with this post and then one email, I’ll rush back upstairs to finish what I’ve started. I’ll give you a hint in Japanese: Tonari no Totoro. 😉

For today I have decided to clean up my sewing area. It doesn’t require that much organizing, mostly just dusting. All those small Japanese figurines on the wall…

Off she goes! Bye! Stay sweet!


One Month Project: Organize Tehdas, Day 4 (?)

Enjoy it while it lasts! I’m still writing every day!

I’m still sick, but I managed to go to the post office to collect my two dolls who had been in a spa, in Spain. I wouldn’t have done it but I had to mail few packages and I had missed the four o’clock pick up, so I had to go to the post office for the five o’clock pick up.

I also walked my daughter to the train (to go to her father’s) and pre-paid my son’s hair cut he’s having today. So I had my daughter with me. We were waiting for the train and I just couldn’t wait to get to home to see the dolls, and of course I had to show them to her as well. So I unwrapped the pretty box right there, in the middle of everything.

The dolls were amazing! Magical! And the package didn’t just contain the dolls, it was filled with gifts! And I love gifts! But the train was arriving so I had to wrap them up and kiss my daughter good bye. And go home to play with my dolls. This is what I got

 She had even taken pictures of my dolls and printed them – real photographs! And the hat!! I got the hat, too!! Isn’t she amazing?! Most amazing of course are the dolls! She did such an amazing job on them. The pink haired is my mini me. She used to be called Sugar Kane, after Marilyn Monroe’s character in “Some like it hot” (feel free to correct if it was some other movie instead, I’m really bad with titles.) But now I see her more as Cherry Fox. My middle name is cherry (in Finnish) and my last name is fox (also in Finnish)

 Isn’t she amazing! Even all the “beauty marks”, actually moles, match!


These two are both Disco Boogie’s. I’d say DB is one of the least liked dolls out there, but she makes such an amazing custom! The one on the left is made by Friends with Blythe and the other one is the one I just got. I asked her (Dafnery, who customized my two dolls) to make her look like the other doll’s sister, but not a twin sister. I didn’t want her to copy the work of FWB, and I’m sure she wouldn’t even be okay doing so. Pola, who’s also named after MM’s character (on How to marry a millionare, I think) is now Astrid’s big sister. And I love her to bits! Before she was like this :

Lol! So, if you are into dolls and would like to get a really great talent to customize your doll/s, I’d suggest you contact Dafnery. She was amazing to work with, her prices are very reasonable and most of all – her dolls are pieces of art!
Okay dokey, back to more serious business. My craft space. Even though I’m still sick I’ve gotten somethting done. All of my fabrics are now organized! I’m still short of two shelves, one is enough for doll clothes storage, and also one’s not enough for unfinished projects, the one’s I’m more likely to finish. I do have two shelves for unfinished projects, but the one at the botton of the closet are less likely ever to get finished. But I work on them if I feel like it. So I can’t really put them away, either. Maybe a better solution will come up along the rest of the organizing. 
I got some great progress yesterday, other than finishing the fabric closet. I got all of my scrapbook stuff in a closet, and it wasn’t the doll stuff closet. I’m pretty sure this will be their permanent storage place! I also got all doll stuff stuffed in the doll closet. It’s not a pretty sight, not at all. Actually I’m afraid to open that closet door at the moment. But at least everything is in one place and my floor has a lot more space and rest of the cleaning and all will be now a lot easier! I might save the doll closet for the last. 
For today I have this small shelf to organize. I know it doesn’t look that intimitading, but it’s actually worse than it looks. It’s the shelf I use when I don’t know where else to put stuff…and it’s also serious storage for items I use on daily basis, such as zippers and ribbons.
I also came up with (maybe) amazing solution for my lack of proper cutting space. I use this white smooth piece of coated wood (actually a shelf from a wide closet) as a base for photographs. It used to be downstairs, but I brought it up when I got mad at the person who used to take my pictures so now I do the pics myself and I do it upstairs. I had the piece on top of my ironing board for some reason and it was great extra desk for packing. So I might use that when ever needed. It should be easy to store between a wall and the doll house. If I can fit it in there. I emptied that space yesterday, but also found out it was a great way to store my bigger papers. So, well see. And if it turns out to bee to much trouble I’ll keep cutting my fabrics either on my too low desk, or on the too narrow ironing board. 
That’s it for now! I hope you all have a mazing weekend ahead of you!!

One Month Project, Organize Tehdas, Day 3


Yesterday was supposed to be the worst day of my sickness, after that I was planning to start feeling better. But then I forgot to rest and I still feel like shit 😦 I don’t like being sick at all.This is quite bad start for my ambitious project. I know I can make it though. Just as long as I don’t lose the excitement of it!

I still got quite a lot done yesterday! I even found my camera 🙂 Except for two shelves all of my fabric is organized! Can you believe that! I’m most proud of my thick, bulky fabric closet. I think it looks really great, and what’s the best part is that it actully works really well! Yay! The cotton closet doesn’t look that great, there’s still the two shelves I haven’t organized yet, but also something else that makes it look messy. I really need to start sewing doll clothes more to get rid of some of the fabric 😉

I also attached the blue thing I got from the thrift store. Well, my hubby did it for me. I’m really getting a lot done, but everything is “in between” places, so it’s still quite a mess. I’m getting a lot more space on my desk, which is awesome since I’ve been cutting fabrics on top of my narrow ironing board. But I’m afraid my desk is not high enough for cutting. We’ll see.

Before I felt I was ready for bed I managed to sew two pouches that had been ordred long time ago. I even took pics of them and uploaded them on Etsy! Before I got all that done I think part of my body was a sleep already.

Now that my fabric is neatly organized (almost!) my biggest challenge is the doll closet. Not the doll house closet, but the “extras” closet. Where I keep doll clothes (two overflowing suitcases), extra furniture, male dolls (not Kevin!!), extra Re-ment, cars and also small pieces of thin wood to build stuff with. In that closet there’s only three shelves and the floor, so everything is just huge mess. I also keep some of my scrapbook items in there. And I’m actually planning to put it all there, to have it all in one place. This means I really have to down-size a lot on my dolly stuff. I have tons of items “just in case”. Some of them have to go. Maybe. To be honest I think it’s justified for me to have tons of that stuff since I like to create scenes and temporary dioramas. And you’ll never know what you might need. So I should keep it all 😀

Mr C went to work meeting so I’ll give you all the typos and grammar errors and all – Enjoy! Silly thing I want to share: A Finnish rock star said big tits and deep cleavage make him click and typos make him mad. It was about his online habits. I’m afraid my blog, either in Finnish or English would make him furious. Luckily I don’t have rock stars reading my blog, or do I? Probably not, since there’s no big breasts or deep cleavages to make them interested 😉

Must go! Bye!


One Month Project: Organize Tehdas, Day Two

It’s actually day three, but since I’m writing about day two then why not name the post according to that?

Like I said yesterday, I’m sick. And that sucks. I can work full speed for a couple hours and then I’m done for the rest of the day. I also walked to a thrift store, which didn’t help either. But I bought a super awesome letterpress printer’s tray. Like the one in the picture. Mine is huge, with tons of different size compartments, and it’s painted blue. When I saw it I decided I wouldn’t pay more than 20 euros, and then I saw the price tag and yelped a bit — FOUR euros!! I also bought really cool deer sweater, for 3.5 euros. 😀

I know it would be nice to share pictures, but I’ve lost my camera! I mean it’s not gone, but it’s buried somewhere in piles of crap at Tehdas… not funny! The room is an awful mess at the moment. It has never, ever been this bad. But! I have almost all of my fabrics neatly organized not by colors, but by use. Now I have all of my fabrics in three places: two closets, one for cotton and one for the bulky fur and fleece; the third place is an old pull out box that was meant for wood (to heat the house). Now it stores the fabrics I don’t really use, but you’ll never know when they might come in handy… and also all of my stuffing. I’m planning to make more decorational pillows for our living room, and stuff the pillows with all the clippings from Tehdas. And there are a lot!

I’ve been focusing on the fabric storage, but also cleaned and decluttered other places as well. At the moment I have piles everywhere, and even the piles have other piles on top of them!

Today I have to clear off my work space. I have to get back to sewing! I have to! And also I want to. I’ve had customers asking for new animal shaped Sleepsacks and I absolutely love trying to figure out how to make them work! Which is kind of weird, since I’m not big fan of solving problems and learning by “trial and error.” But this is fun. Until I encounter the first animal that I can’t recreate as a Sleepsack. 🙂

It’s Wednesday! Yay! Enjoy it!
